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Interested in donating or helping out?

Interested in upcycling and recycling, but can’t make the programs? Or, perhaps you have garment making skills to share? We’re gearing up for a showcase event around Earth Day in April. Ask how you can show your work, help out, share skills, or donate materials.

Looking for donations or loans of:

Mannequins/ Dress forms

Sewing machines

Clean and Interesting trash, especially repetitive items (think of your common recyclables, or things with nice patterns, “decorative” items, or things with fabric like qualities)

broken or otherwise unusable -but interesting!- jewelry and clothing

Sewing needles and thread

Hemming tape/ other adhesive

Hot glue sticks

Looking for people to share their skills and knowledge of:

Sewing (by hand or machine)

pattern making, garment construction

upcycling/ materials reuse

environmental impact of clothing industry

Or, share your time! Help organize our upcycling programs and/or the showcase event. Give me, Nike, Young Adult Librarian, a call at 860-434-1684 x116, or email ndesis@